The Boulder BI Brain Trust


InfoCentricity is briefing the BBBT

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InfoCentricity is part analytic consultancy part software provider who has found its niche in the financial risk side of the world. The interesting thing is the solution is very well suited to the more traditional business intelligence space. Jeff Dandridge President and COO says that the value of his advanced analytics platform is it serves you best once you have exhausted the capabilities of the traditional BI tools like Cognos or others.  Advanced analytics by Jeff's definition is forward looking, predictive in its capabilities designed for experimental design and analysis and generally has access to more data than a traditional business intelligence tool.

Xeno Pro3.0 offers a long list of features more info can be found here. But at its core is a user friendly online analytic platform that delivers segmentation and clustering, exploratory data analysis, to the development of highly predictive models and robust strategies. Xeno appears to offer a bit more flexibility and exploration based features than are provided by SPSS and SAS.

While the predictive business intelligence world sometimes runs above my head its easy even for me to see that InfoCentricity offers a compelling set of value propositions.

Tags: Infocentricity, Analytics, Jeff Dandridge, Business Intelligence

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