The Boulder BI Brain Trust


WhereScape is here today

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WhereScape logo.pngMichael Whitehead CEO and Founder, Mark Budzinski VP & GM USA, Chuck Kelley Senior Data Warehouse Architect and our good friend Scott Humphrey from Humphrey Strategic Communications have joined us in Boulder today and the BI Trust is present in force with members from South Africa, Netherlands, UK and the USA all attending today. A little background on WhereScape, the company started in 2004 they have 350 clients and the largest concentration is US based firms which speaks well of a New Zealand based company.The mantra at WhereScape drives the creation of their software.

"Pinned to the wall in our founder's office is an old piece of paper.  It's faded and tatty, but for us at WhereScape it's a kind of manifesto.

Scribbled on this paper are the four things that WhereScape founder Michael Whitehead said he never wanted to hear again from a customer..."


One of the compelling advantages to a product like WhereScape is its ability to to do rapid delivery, "rapid marting" or even throw away data marts. The ability to prototype as your needs evolve is generally a costly and time consuming effort that a solution like WhereScape can produce positive ROI on its first project. While it wasn't necessarily designed for prototyping its a great advantage of the product. Bottom line WhereScape is designed to build data warehouses faster than the competition.

During the demo I felt the interface was quite intuitive and simple especially for a data warehouse professional. It offers built in best practices and a ton of built in time savings suggestions and guidelines. But as most DW experts will want is the opportunity to write SQL from scratch and add custom rules and processes. It tracks changes and creates documentation automatically on the fly. (by the way its big fun watching an expert like Chuck Kelley run a demo like this he's way smarter than me!)

The need to consolidate DW's, create new versions, support evolving BI needs, support new applications are all valid reasons to look at a solution like WhereScape the power is in the speed and ease of use.

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