The Boulder BI Brain Trust


HP is attending the BBBT today!

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HP logo.pngJohn Santaferraro is Director of Marketing Communications and Industry Marketing for HP and a long time industry leader has many friends in the industry and thats clearly illustrated by todays turnout at the BBBT. In attendance here in Boulder Claudia Imhoff, Lisa Reeves, Holli Arnett, Shawn Rogers, Richard Hackathorn, Dave Imhoff, Merv Adrian, Mark Madsen, Colin White, Steve Dine, Ron Powell and by phone Neil Raden, Jos Von Dongen, Dave Stoddard, Ronald Damhof, Mike Furguson and Mike Brooks. An awesome turnout for a great guy! John kicked things off covering the 3 pillars of the HP BI Solution strategy. 

  1. Platform - Enterprise class analytics
  2. Solution - Industry specific, information focused 
  3. Delivery - New cloud delivery models, onshore offshore delivery, new analytic offerings
2008 and 2009 have been all about change, reorg and moving forward for HP in October 2008 Kristina Robinson took the helm at HP BI and immediately reorganized consulting by industries the group now covers 13 industries with 5 solution managers in place. Additions have been made to the team that include Susan Cook New Sales Executive, the sales teams have been aligned by industry to parallel the investments made in the consulting reorganization and the industry solution managers.

HP seems to be more focused on partnering with companies like Informatica, SAP and Microsoft versus buying technology or building certain things from within. The question is can the pace of innovation within HP coupled with the strength of these partnerships put them back on the map with the big 4 Oracle, Microsoft, IBM and SAP in the business intelligence space. The companies mantra for 2010 is to be seen as a Complete provider of Enterprise Class industry-specific business intelligence solution. As John got into the details its clear that the message is aligned within the company and if they march to this plan HP can and probably will attain the level of notoriety they are striving for in 2010 and beyond.

Simone Burrows Worldwide Health and Life Sciences Marketing lead joined us by phone form Australia to talk about the BI in the healthcare market. The focus for her group is turning healthcare information into healthcare knowledge. The list of solutions for this vertical are impressive. The Blue Cross Blue Shield customer example saved the customer 2.5m annually along with other quantifiable successes. It a great example of applying domain expertise and technology to a problem to deliver real world,mission critical ROI.

As always the upside of the BBBT is indepth briefing for those of us attending the down side is the NDA stuff so I can't share a lot about NeoView but can say that there is a significant upgrade coming down the pipe and from where I sit the upgrades and changes are some of what you would expect and some things that are very very interesting and unexpected. 

I'm a believer that HP can make large strides this year both in real features and function and in perception from the market place. The industry alignment, executive management changes, integration of EDS and KnightsBridge Consulting and focus on business intelligence by Mark Hurd will all play a role in their success.  HP needs to make sure that they share more about the Neoview platforms success so that they aren't slowed down by lack of information and poor perception. 

Thanks John it was a great session!

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